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Ten Financial Tips to Consider Before Remarriage
The way we earn, spend, and save money is a practical expression of our most fundamental beliefs. When our priorities are out of sync, money can become the great divide in an otherwise harmonious relationship.
By working together toward financial freedom, money can cease being a source of conflict and become a way to express our highest values, while providing comfort and security to those we love most.
Here are 10 Financial Tips to Consider Before Remarriage:
1. Discuss finances beforehand. The first date is too soon and the honeymoon is too late.
2. What is your credit history? How much debt are you bringing into the relationship? Do you pay your credit card bills on time? Ask questions so there are no surprises when the two of you make big purchases like an home or a automobile.
3. What is your financial personality? Are you a saver or a spender? Do you live from paycheck to paycheck? Are you a penny pincher who cuts coupons? Have an honest discussion with each other about your habits because it will affect your relationship in the long run.
4. Create a savings plan. Discuss short- and long-term saving options, investments, retirement, Insurance plans.
5. Communicate and negotiate everyday money matters. Should you open a joint checking account? Who will buy groceries? Who will keep track of monthly statements and bills?
6. Focus on goals, dreams and objectives. Are you saving for a home? What savings plan will you have for your children?
7. Update insurance and estate plans. Make sure you're sufficiently insured and the beneficiary for each policy is updated. You may also need to update other estate documents.
8. Examine your tax situation. Tax laws penalize dual-income families; determine what will benefit you and your partner in advance.
9. Consider a prenuptial agreement. A prenup isn't just for the rich; it can cover a variety of things like property, a home, inheritance and other investments.
10. Talk with a certified financial advisor. Financial planners can help you establish a plan that will help you reach your objectives.
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